Your homework for 20.03:
Form 2:
p.106 to read / c. 106 читати;
Form 4:
to learn irregular verbs / вивчити неправильні дієслова.
Form 9:
to revise the words of the topic "Professions";
to write an advertisement / повт. слова до теми "Професії";
написати об'яву.
Form 10:
to revise the words of the topic "Technologies"/повт. слова до теми "Tехнології".
Form 11:
to make a project / підготувати проект.
Form 2:
p.106 to read / c. 106 читати;
Form 4:
to learn irregular verbs / вивчити неправильні дієслова.
Go [ гоу ]
Went [ вент ]
Take [ тейк ]
Took [ тук ]
Hear [хіе ]
Heard [ хьод ]
to revise the words of the topic "Professions";
to write an advertisement / повт. слова до теми "Професії";
написати об'яву.
Form 10:
to revise the words of the topic "Technologies"/повт. слова до теми "Tехнології".
Form 11:
to make a project / підготувати проект.
- "Art styles"
- "Doing the gallery"
- "Each painting has a story to tell about" ( choose what you like)
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