
суббота, 30 сентября 2017 г.

Happy International Translation Day

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Hello my dear friends! 
On September, 30 we celebrated the International Translation Day. 
We know that translators are very important because they help to keep on approaching different cultures through languages. But at the same time translators have to be very attentive to their work, because they are those people who enterprit the meaning of unknown words and phrases to other people. Sometimes because of the translators' unattentiveness we can get very funny meanings. 

Manicure — Гроші лікують (like money cure) (манікюр)
I have been there — У мене там квасоля (bean instead of been) ( я там був)
God only knows — Єдиний ніс бога  (nose instead of knows) (тільки Господь знає)
We are the champions — Ми шампіньйони (ми чемпіони)
Do You feel alright? — Ти праворуч все знаєш? ( ти добре почуваєшся?)
Bye bye baby, baby good bye — Купи, купи дитинку, дитинка - це гарна покупка (бувай, бувай, крихітко, крихітко, прощавай) 
To be or not to be? — Бджілка чи не бджілка? (бути чи не бути)
I fell in love — Я впав у кохання. ( я закохався)
Just in case — Тільки у портфелі ( тільки у випадку)
I will never give up — Мене ніколи не нудить ( я ніколи не здамся)
Oh dear — Ох олень. (от лихо)
I saw my Honey today — Я побачив мій мед сьогодні (я бачив свою кохану сьогодні)
Finnish people — Кінцеві люди (фіни)
Bad influence — Погана застуда (поганий вплив)
Phone seller — Подзвони продавцю (продавець телефонів)
Good products — Бог на стороне уток (товари)
Let’s have a party — Давайте організуємо партію ( давайте організуємо вечірку)
Watch out! — Поглянь ззовні! (стережися)
I know his story well — Я знаю твою історичну криницю ( я знаю добре цю історію)
Let it be! — Давайте їсти бджіл! (нехай буде так)
I’ll be back – Я буду спиною ( я повернуся)
Super trooper — Чудовий паталогоанатом (суперзірка)
Everybody has a skeleton in the closet — У кожного свій скелет в туалеті ( У кожного є скелет у шафі ідіома)
Copyright – Скопійовано вірно (авторське право)
All Rights Reserved – Усі права зайняті (Усі права захищені)
What’s up? – Хто верхи? (як справи?/ Що сталося?)
Sleep well – Сонна криниця (солодких снів)
By the way – Купи рельси (окрім цього)
Birds in the skies – Птахи на лижах (птахи на небі)
ladybird – пташка жіночого роду ( вірно сонечко)
Showtime – Покажи мені час (час розваг)
Come on, old boy! - Йди-но сюди, старий хлопчику! ( Йди но сюди, друже) 
The material was taken from http://www.dinternal.com.ua/humor/mistakes/
Improve your English every day! Be attentive and enrich your vocabulary with new words, phrases, idioms and slangs. Develop your listening, reading, speaking and writing skills. 
Картинки по запросу english is easy

понедельник, 18 сентября 2017 г.

My students' projects

Hello my dear friends!
 It's already the third week of our study after our summer holidays and all my students have learnt a lot of new things. 
So I've decided to create a special post devoted to my students works which I've found to be special. 
Every time when my students do their homework, their tasks vary due to their creativeness. So it's high time to share them with the public.
During the topic "My family, friends and I" my seventh graders were asked to write a post about their family members, who influenced them. Here are two works which my students and I have found the most informative and emotional.
" My name is Kate. I am a seventh former. Let me tell you about my mother. She is very special for me, because she teaches me how to cook. We cook a lot of different dishes and always try to invent something new and special.
I'd like to be as positive as my mother are."
Kate Popsulis, form 7.
"My name is Lizy. 
My Granny is special for me, because she teaches me to be good, to bring all things to their end. She taught me to be cheerful. 
In my childhood, when my parents were at work, she was always with me. We have a lot of fun when we are together.
I'd like to be like my Granny, because she is a very supportive and positive person.
I love my Grandmother and thank her for everything."
Lizy Riznyk, form 7.
Great thanks to my students for their creative works.
To be continued... 

суббота, 2 сентября 2017 г.

Back to school!

Картинки по запросу welcome back to school animated gif
Hello September and welcome back to school!
On September 1 all Ukrainian schools opened their doors for their students.
The first of September or the Day of Knowledge (that's how we call this holiday) evokes very different emotions.
Most of the students feel like this

on that special day.
Even when some students finally find strength to enter their schools, they will have some problems with finding their classrooms ;)

Why is it so difficult to start a new day at school after summer holidays? Maybe, because we don't start this special day properly. 
I've prepared several tips how to avoid stress at the very beginning of a new school year( these tips will be useful both for students and teachers):
Картинки по запросу welcome back to school animated gif

  • Approximately 2 or 3 weeks before the beginning of your school year  go to bed and get up early, so  your body will be reconstructed to a new regime;
  • Try to remember pleasant and interesting moments to create a positive mood;
  • Buy new stuff for your new school year: pens, pencils, copy-books etc.;
  • Try to find strength to revise the information you have learnt before.
Remember that school is a place where you can meet your friends, learn new and interesting information, discuss exciting topics and make your dreams come true.
Wish you easy start and interesting discoveries!
Картинки по запросу welcome back to school animated gif