среда, 30 апреля 2014 г.
Hello May!;)
Good bye, April! Hello, May! I wish you all, my dear friends, warm days and nice mood!;)
среда, 23 апреля 2014 г.
World Book Day:useful tips for readers/Всесвітній день книги:корисні поради для читачів
We celebrate World Book Day on April 23.Everyone knows that books broaden our horizons. But do you like reading? Here are some useful tips for those who want to read English:
- Don't try to understand every word. Try to understand the overall meaning of a sentence or passage.
- Don't translate - only use a dictionary if a word keeps appearing in a text and you still don't understand it.
- Don't just read a book and then forget about it - try to analyse it.
It will be very useful to use reading logs for better understanding the material.
A reading log is a record of the books that a particular person reads in a specific period of time. It commonly includes the name of the book the person read, when it was read, and how many pages were read as of that particular time.
Or a reading log is a journal that you write expressing your thoughts about a book. This would be similar to what you would say at a book club, except it will be on paper instead.
Here are some examples of reading log tables:
Improve and enjoy your reading!;)
The 450th anniversary of the Bard’s birthday/450-летие со дня рождения барда.
The 450th anniversaryof the greatest English playwright and poet William Shakespeare is celebrated in the UK and around the whole world on April 23.
My pupils and I decided to pay special attention to Shakespeare's romantic poems.
My 10-th formers Elmira Farkhadova, Ann Martovitskaya and Alyona Shapuvalova recited sonnets by Shakespeare in the original and in Russian:
English Language Day / День английского языка.
Today the whole world celebrates the Day of the English language. First this holiday was officially celebrated by the United Nations in 2010.
English is a world language. If you speak English the whole world understands you.
вторник, 22 апреля 2014 г.
Useful information: About the history of Earth Day/Полезная информация: Об истории Дня Земли.
Today is April 22 and the whole world celebrates Earth day. But what is Earth Day and where did it come from? Let's watch an interesting video about it:
Earth Day/День Земли.
Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and celebrated in more than 192 countries each year.
My 6-th formers have recited a poem dedicated to the Earth Day:
воскресенье, 20 апреля 2014 г.
It's interesting:Unusual Easter eggs/Это интересно: Необычные пасхальные яйца
We continue talking about Easter. And now let's look through the collection of unusual Easter eggs.
Designer and blogger Natalie Broulette has painted Easter eggs in color lines of the New York Underground, writing on them numbers and letters matching lines.
And these are funny Angry Birds eggs:
Designer Vicki Chrisman created Easter eggs whith printed pieces of her favorite books on them:
Superheroes Easter eggs. They are so cute!;)
And this is an Easter egg from Android:
And of course Easter eggs from our dear GOOGLE:
Happy Easter, my dear friends!;)
Designer and blogger Natalie Broulette has painted Easter eggs in color lines of the New York Underground, writing on them numbers and letters matching lines.
And these are funny Angry Birds eggs:
Designer Vicki Chrisman created Easter eggs whith printed pieces of her favorite books on them:
Superheroes Easter eggs. They are so cute!;)
And this is an Easter egg from Android:
And of course Easter eggs from our dear GOOGLE:
Happy Easter, my dear friends!;)
Easter records/Пасхальные рекорды
Today is great Easter and I want to talk with you about something connected with this wonderful holiday. Why not to talk about Easter records? I am sure you've recognized this amazing egg from the picture above. It's a famous Easter egg which is situated in Vegreville (Canada).It was made in honor of Ukrainian immigrants who settled there. Every year festivities dedicated to Easter, both Catholic and Orthodox take place here.
Now I want to share with you amazing Easter records from my native Ukraine.
This is an Easter egg made of 7343 roses.Its height is 2,5m and weight is 500kg. This beautiful composition is situated near Kiev-Pecherskaya Lavra in Kiev (Ukraine). Beuatiful, isn't it?
And this tree with 2014 Easter eggs called pysanky and krashanky is situated near B. Grinchenko Kiev National University in Kiev, too. All the hand-made Easter eggs were painted by Ukrainian schoolchildren and students.
Another Easter record was made in my native Ukrainian city Kremenchug. I am very proud of this composition. It's a panel made of 5040 painted eggs.
суббота, 19 апреля 2014 г.
пятница, 18 апреля 2014 г.
понедельник, 14 апреля 2014 г.
How to write an autobiography/Як писати автобіографію
For a basic paragraph, your biography should probably include facts like:
- Date and place of birth
- Major achievements
- Education
- Work facts
- An overview of what makes the person significant
- I was born on.../Я народився...
- (Home city/town/village) is my native place/Моє рідне місто, село
- I am ... child in my family/Я - ... дитина в родині.
- My parents are.../Мої батьки...
- I started the first form in .../Я пішов у перший клас до ....( школа)
- My hobby is.../ Моє хобі...
Autobiography example( picture was taken from http://nataliew89.edublogs.org/ as an example):
среда, 9 апреля 2014 г.
Noah / Ной.
On March, 27 the cinemas showed an amazing film about one of the well-known Bible stories about Noah and the Great Flood.
I recommend you to watch this great film.
And here is the trailer:
On March, 27 the cinemas showed an amazing film about one of the well-known Bible stories about Noah and the Great Flood.
I recommend you to watch this great film.
And here is the trailer:
English Tongue Twisters: sound [p]
Continue working with our pronunciation. And let's work with sound [p]:
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
Good luck!;)
Writing a blog post
How to write a blog post? Here are some useful writing tips from britishcouncil.org
1. Blog about something you really love.
2.Write like you talk. Blogs tend to have a conversational style.
3.Take pictures and share them with your readers.
4. Share not only interesting and useful information but your own experience and opinions.
5.Be original and try to show your personality and style.
6.If you copy any information always mention where it is from.
Be creative! Create your blogs! Good luck!;)
вторник, 8 апреля 2014 г.
понедельник, 7 апреля 2014 г.
It's amazing: freezelight / Это удивительно: фризлайт.
There are many wonderful ways of drawing and painting. One of them is freezelighting.You don't use pencils and paints in this style. You can do the pictures with the help of a simple LED flashlight.
Drawing a picture of this style is not easy. First you need to put the camera on shutter speed and in the dark, and at the moment of a snapshot you draw something with lantern.
Here are a few images:
Adverbs of quantity and frequency/Прислівники кількості та частоти.
When we talk about quantity of something we use quantifiers/Коли ми говоримо про кількість, ми вживаємо прислівники кількості:
a lot of
[е лот ов]
a few
[е ф'ю]
декілька, трохи
a little
[е літл]
a great(good)deal of
[е грейт(гуд)діл оф]
2) Use any in questions and negative sentences/Вживайте any у питальних та заперечних реченнях.
3) Use a few, several, many with plural countable nouns in affirmative sentences/Вживайте a few, several, many із злічуваними іменниками вжитими у множині у стверджувальних реченнях.
4) Use a little, a great(good) deal of, much with uncountable nouns in affirmative sentences/Вживайте a little, a great (good) deal of, much з незлічуваними іменниками у стверджувальних реченнях.
Many for countable nouns / Many для злічуваних іменників
Much for uncountable nouns/ Much для незлічуваних іменників.
A few for countable nouns/ A few у значенні "декілька, трохи" для злічуваних іменників
A little for uncountable nouns/ A little у значенні "декілька, трохи" для незлічуваних іменників.
Few for countable nouns/ Few у значенні "мало" для злічуваних іменників.
Little for uncountable nouns/ Little у значенні "мало" для незлічуваних іменників.
Adverbs of frequency/Прислівники частоти.
Use the adverbs of frequency when you want to describe how often or how many times something happened/Вживайте прислівники частоти, коли бажаєте описати як часто або скільки разів щось відбувається:
Раз від разу
Hardly ever/rarely
[хардлі евер/реарлі]
Ледве, рідко
Одного разу, раз
Вдруге, двічі
once or twice " a few times" - декілька разів
twice as many/much "Two times more" - вдвічі більше.
воскресенье, 6 апреля 2014 г.
Have a great new week!;)
My dear pupils, today is the last day of your holidays and tomorrow you 'll have to say hello to your school again. So start your Monday with a positive thinking. Have a nice day and a great new week!
суббота, 5 апреля 2014 г.
среда, 2 апреля 2014 г.
SMS English / СМС скорочення
We use messages even more than any other kind of communication. Why? The answer is quite obvious - because it's fast and easy. The youth likes to write messages and use interesting short forms of the words. My pupil Elya Farkhadova prepared a table of the most popular Ukrainiang short forms and translated them into English. Here is the table:
Full Form
Xo-xo/ x
Дякую/thank you
Сумую/miss you
Я тебе кохаю/I love
Доброї ночі/Good
Якнайшвидше/as soon
as possible
Як справи/ how are you
Давно не бачились
Бачу/I see
Будь ласка/please
Будь на позитиві/think
TY, Elya, for your interesting table. Good work!;) And what about you? What English short forms do you know and use in your messages? PLS write in comments.
Exams preparation / Підготовка до екзаменів.
Dear pupils, you are on holidays now, but don't forget that time flies very fast and your exams are on their way.You will feel much better during your exams if you are prepared for them. So wake up and work hard! Visit http://www.mon.gov.ua/. There you'll find the examination matirials 2014. Good luck in your work!;)/
Дорогі учні, зараз ви на канікулах, але час швидкоплинний і екзамени вже не за горами. Ви будете почувати себе набагато краще, якщо підготуєтесь до них. Тому прокидайтеся і за роботу! Відвідайте сайт міносвіти, зазаначений вище. Там ви знайдете екзаменаційні матеріали 2014. Бажаю вам успіху у вашій роботі.;)
вторник, 1 апреля 2014 г.
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