
воскресенье, 26 августа 2018 г.

Back to school: adaptation after summer holidays.

The beginning of a new school year can be quite stressful for children, despite the whole solemnity of this process. Of course, our schoolchildren will be happy to see both their classmates and teachers, and they really want to boast of their new things and share their experiences accumulated during the summer. But show me at least one person who is eager to wake up early in the morning, if he or she has got used to late sleep. Whatever  you say this regime is complicated, and it is very difficult to perform studying duties after a long rest. So let's find out how to help our children adapt to school best.
According to psychologists, the period of adaptation for sixth graders lasts for 2-3 weeks. A rapid transition to a new regime for children 11-12 years old can cause psychological difficulties, and, consequently, adversely affect their health. Therefore, in the last days of summer it is better to encourage children to go to bed early and wake up earlier in the morning.At the same time it is wrong  to require strict compliance with the regime, but it's much better if you show it on your own example. So you will refresh yourselves, and help  your child. It is necessary to limit somewhat the time of watching TV and playing the computer. Suggest the performance of any household duties , so that your child will not wander in vain. But make sure the child is not overloaded.
Active outdoor activities and meetings with friends in the last days of the summer will contribute to the socialization of the child and help to gain additional strength. After all, children of middle school age should spend 2 hours in the fresh air every day.
During the summer holidays, everything that was learned before was forgotten. Therefore, it would be good if the child read the summer literature recommended, repeat the English words learned before, revise the multiplication table, and write dictations. Such mini-training for the school will also help to adapt to the new school process. 
Don't forget about healthy eating habbits,  because vitamins contribute to the good physical and mental development of children. So nutritionists consider foods containing choline and lichen as food for brain. They can be found in milk, eggs, fish and liver. Do not forget about magnesium, which is contained in nuts, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, bananas and baked potatoes.
Don't forget about  positive mood. After all, returning to school is an opportunity to learn something new, share impressions and communicate with friends, as well as win new victories.
Dear parents, finally, there is another piece of advice - care about your children, communicate with them, support them and get interested in their preferences and excitements, so that learning for them will be pleasant. 

среда, 15 августа 2018 г.

What to buy for school

Very soon schoolchildren will get back to their classes. But before this very important moment both for parents and children, a mission called "Preparing for school" will take place. If you do not want to get lost in the labyrinth of school bags, school uniforms and pens and pencils, let's try to create together a list of the things you need for school.
It is important to remember that the preferences of your child should be taken into account, but don't forget about the fact that things should be comfortable in use and harmless for your child's health.
So, let's begin!
#1 School bag
 Choosing a school bag, pay attention to its width, which should be equal to the shoulder width of  your child. Also, the school bag must fit tight against the back. It's better to buy an orthopedic school bag for children under 15 years old. The straps on the briefcase should be easily adjustable. Check out all the zippers.
#2 Copybooks 
Pay attention to the quality of the paper and the clarity of the lines in the copybook. Do not buy the covers with drawings, because they  discourage children from learning. And sometimes, the content of such drawings is not propriet for school. Of course, no one will be able to specify the number of copybooks, because everything depends on the number of subjects that the child will study, the intensity of the recording and the way of child's handwritten.
#3 Diary
Modern manufacturers offer a lot of different options. When choosing a diary, take into account which class your child is attending and what language learns.
#4Covers for notebooks and textbooks.
Keep in mind that the size of the covers for textbooks depends on which class your child is going to be.
Pencil case.
Please note that all the necessary things will be easy to reach.
#5 Pens and pencils and etc
Buy ballpoint pens with blue ink and rubber holder. Note that the ink dries up quickly.
The pencil should be of medium hardness, with the mark HB or B.
Eraser depends on the pencil. If you have purchased a solid pencil, then the eraser should be firm, and for soft and medium hardness - soft.
Pencil sharpener.
Rulers of different lengths.
Devider. Choose it with a thick and short tip, easy and safe to use.
Transporter and squire.
Glue (it's best to choose a pencil for  not to spill it).
Paints and brushes.
Colored pencils.
Colored paper and cardboard.
Album for drawing.
Do not postpone the school shopping on the last day of the vacation, take care of the necessary eqipment in advance. Let your school gethering  be easy and fun, and I wish you to spend your last summer days on pleasant and interesting things.