
воскресенье, 1 марта 2015 г.

Spring is coming!

Hey, spring, are you coming?! We are all waiting for you!
Today is the first day of spring, my dear friends!:) 
And though it's still cold and people look like this :)
But I'm sure that we all feel that spring is coming. We smell it in the air.
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So it's high time to wake up
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and say hello to spring!;)
My favourite flower has already woken up and made me happy by its beauty:)
Hush, Can you hear it?
The rustling in the grass,
Bringing you the welcome news
Winter's day is past.
Soft, Can you feel it?
The warm caressing breeze,
Telling you the sticky buds
Are bursting on the trees.
Look, Can you see them?
The primrose in the lane,
Now you must believe it -
Spring is here again.

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