
среда, 25 февраля 2015 г.

Unusual lessons: Sporty lesson/Нестандартні уроки: Спортивний урок.

Открытое письмо болельщиков "Кайсара" акиму Кызылординской области
Unusual lessons are always interesting not only for pupils but for their teachers, too. As for me I am always ready to have fun with my pupils;) And after these lessons children better remember new words and word combinations. 
Today my seven formers have had the unusual lesson on the topic "Sport in our life". We have learnt new words and phrases, read about sport in our country and English-speaking countries and... played sport games in the classroom!:) It was possible due to table games. My pupils played mini football:
practised to throw the ball
and had fun with bowling
And we are going to share our impressions from the sports at our next lesson. 
Make your lessons unusual and learn English with pleasure!;)

вторник, 17 февраля 2015 г.

Day of Kindness/День Добра

February is rather cold. This year it's even colder than other winter months. That's why sometimes it seems to me that winter is very long and spring is not going to come. As I see I'm not the only one who thinks so. 
But today it has been sunny and my mood has changed for the better. Maybe it's because of the sun or maybe because of the day. 
Today is the Day of Kindness, my friends!;)
But I think that kindness should appear not only once but all the time. And I'm sure that you'll agree with me.


And be always kind and think only positively!;)

понедельник, 16 февраля 2015 г.

English for young learners: Past Simple and ed/Англійська для наймолодших:Минулий час та закінчення ed.

Ending ED is very changable. Sometimes it's called [d], sometimes it's called [t] or sometimes it's called [id]

If you want to know how to name ED correctly, pay attention to the verbs with which ED goes for a walk.

And now let's watch an interesting story about ED's trip to the past:

School is Fun/Школа - це весело.

Educational Games
This post I've decided to devote to those pupils who don't like school. In fact they like school because school is a place where you can get useful and interesting information, to learn something new and have fun with your friends and cooperate. And every person has a great desire to widen his or her horizon. It's quite obvious that school is the place where you can easily do it. You just have to follow special rules like you do when you play a computer game.
And here they are - the special rules for all pupils:
Behavior Charts For Teachers Classroom Management Printables…
Revised Implementing Guidelines For The 2013 Skills Article Library
Play according to the rules and your school will be fun for you. Good luck!;)

суббота, 14 февраля 2015 г.

Love is in the air

Oткpытки c изoбpaжeниeм cepдeц нa Дeнь вcex Bлюблeнныx " Пoз…
Today is a special day. Its atmosphere is full of romantice and love. Every year on February 14 all people in the world open their hearts for love and try to do something special for their sweethearts.
Somebody cooks a romantic breakfast:

Somebody prepares a romantic dinner with candles:
Прага для Влюбленных... InfoTera.ru
People even build monuments devoted to love. 
In Odessa (Ukraine) you can see this Heart in Love:
Одесская достопримечательность «Влюбленное Сердце»  хранит 1111 историй любви
This Heart in Love keeps more than a thousand beautiful love stories.
And in Paris, the city of love, you can read "I love you" in all languages of the world.This phrase is written on Love Wall that was built specially for St. Valentine's Day in Monmantre.
So as you can see love is in the air and I wish you to breathe this air all your life.
Happy Valentine's Day! Смайлы для различных праздников
And let's watch a romantic video about tiny hamsters' date;)

Happy Valentine's Day!/З Днем Закоханих!/С Днем Влюбленных!;)

Дві речі між людьми найбільшого вартують,
Життя й кохання - тіло і душа.
Без духа тіло - прах, його вітри роздують
Й знаку не стане, заросте трава

Так без кохання і життя тьмяніє
Як лист осінній піде в небуття
Щасливий той, хто зрозуміть зуміє
Що лиш Любов - продовження життя.
З днем Закоханих, дорогі друзі! 

Любові, удачі, радості від життя і оточення! 
Хай у ваших серцях  завжди живе  кохання!

While you breathe - you just breathe
But while you love - you live.
Edward Asadov
Happy Valentine's Day, my dear friends!

Пока ты дышишь - ты всего лишь дышишь,
А вот пока ты любишь - ты живешь.
Эдуард Асадов
С Днем Влюбленных, дорогие друзья!

четверг, 12 февраля 2015 г.

English for young learners: Learn English with Fun/Англійська мова для наймолодших: Вивчаємо англійську жартома.

The first formers open the door to the world of knowledge for the first time and new information is very interesting for them. But sometimes it's hard for little children to learn new words. So I try to make the process of learning English for my young learners interesting and funny. When we started to learn the topic"Animals" we created  funny ducks and sang a funny song "Five little ducks". 
It was a great fun!;) 
If you want to have a little fun, just sing a song:)

My pupils' projects:Creating a Newspaper/Проекти моїх учнів:Створення газети.

Q&A Project and Group Collaboration
Creating a newspaper is a very interesting work. So my 8th formers decided to write their own newspapers full of interesting information while learning the topic "Mass media".
Being editors and reporters is an exciting and very creative work:
And here are the results! The winners of our project exhibition are Diana Grebenkova and Valery Lymar!
Well done, girls!;)
And now let's read some tips for writing a newspaper:
  • find a partner for a team work
  • find interesting information and photos
  • make colomns and sort out your information
  • write the titles for your columns
  • choose interesting and actual information
  • use photos or draw your own pictures according to the chosen information
  • be creative!;)

вторник, 3 февраля 2015 г.

Music in our life: birthday song/Музыка в нашей жизни: песня в день рождения.

"Find the #1 Song on the Day You Were Born" - this is a new service created by Billboard.fm with the help of which you can find out what song was the most popular on the day of your birth.
Just visit this site http://billboard.fm/birthday-song, enter your date of birth and enjoy the most popular song of that time. It feels like you' ve got a time machine and can travel in time.It's a great fun!
Here is the song when I was born:



There's this girl that's been on my mind
All the time, Sussudio oh oh
Now she don't even know my name
But I think she likes me just the same
Sussudio oh oh

Oh if she called me I'd be there
I'd come running anywhere
She's all I need, all my life
I feel so good if I just say the word
Sussudio, just say the word
Oh Sussudio

Now I know that I'm too young
My love has just begun
Sussudio oh oh
Ooh give me a chance, give me a sign
I'll show her anytime
Sussudio oh oh

Ah, I've just got to have her, have her now
I've got to get closer but I don't know how
She makes me nervous and makes me scared
But I feel so good if I just say the word
Sussudio just say the word
Oh Sussudio, oh

Ah, she's all I need all of my life
I feel so good if I just say the word
Sussudio I just say the word
Oh Sussudio I just say the word
Oh Sussudio I'll say the word
Sussudio oh oh oh
Just say the word
Эта девушка в моих мыслях
Все время, Недосягаемая о о
Сейчас она даже не знает мое имя
Но я думаю, что я ей нравлюсь все равно
Недосягаемая о о

О, если бы она позвала меня, то я был бы там
Я бы прибежал куда угодно
Она - все, что мне нужно, вся моя жизнь
Я чувствую себя так хорошо, если я просто скажу
Недосягаемая, просто скажу
О Недосягаемая

Теперь я знаю, что я слишком молод
Моя любовь только началась
Недосягаемая о о
О дай мне шанс, дай мне знак
Я буду рядом в любое время
Недосягаемая об о

Ах, я только что собрался заполучить ее, заполучить ее
Я должен подойти ближе, но я не знаю как
Она заставляет меня нервничать и бояться
Но я чувствую себя так хорошо, если я просто скажу
Недосягаемая, только скажу
О Недосягаемая

Ах, она - все, что мне нужно, вся моя жизнь
Я чувствую себя так хорошо, если я просто скажу
Недосягаемая, я только скажу
О Недосягаемая я только скажу
О Недосягаемая я скажу
Недосягаемая о о о
Просто скажу

Find your # 1 song when you were born;)

понедельник, 2 февраля 2015 г.

Happy Groundhog Day!С Днем Сурка!;)

034 800x591 Сурок Фил предсказал раннюю весну
Do you feel the smell of spring? A famous groundhog Phil is sure that spring is coming soon.
So is Ukrainian groundhog Timka from Kharkov. 
On February,2  Americans celebrate one of their favorite holidays - Groundhog Day. They believe that on this day  the groundhog's behavior will show when spring comes. Lovely tradition of   weather prediction has appeared in Ukraine, too.
Let's get to know more about groundhogs and weather prediction from this video:
So, let's wait for spring and Happy Groundhog Day, my dear friends!;) 
St. Nicholas december 6. Christmas. Скачать открытки на любимые праздники на английском языке. Все темы.

воскресенье, 1 февраля 2015 г.

Hello, February!;)

Today is the first day of February and the last month of winter, and I say hello to February because I'm glad that spring is on its way. And I'm looking forward to shining sun, warmth and fresh spring air. It's have been raining all day long. It's neither winter nor spring but nevertheless it's February. Let's hope it will be good!;)
I offer you to remember this winter and enjoy the winter beauty by watching this amazing video: