
пятница, 31 января 2014 г.

Chinese New Year/Новый год по-китайски.

Today is the New Year according to the lunar calendar. On  January 31 Asians celebrate the New Year. This holiday is widely celebrated in Vietnam and South Korea .
But Spring Festival , as it is called , is celebrated in China. Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai and other cities have been  decorated with festive lights .During these holidays there were numerous performances .
 Chinese believe that clockwork dancing and loud music make all evil spirits be afraid and attract good luck in the new year .  The multi-ton bell strikes at one of the Buddhist temples announce of the New Year .
Symbol of  this new year is the blue horse.
So, happy New Year again!:)
And here is an interesting video about Chinese traditions for you:

среда, 29 января 2014 г.

Winter has come / Зима пришла.

Dear pupils! Because of the bad weather conditions the lessons in our school are temporarily suspended.
Please, don't go for a walk because the temperature is too low. 
Have fun at home learning English!;)

English for young learners:Numerals (11-20)/Англійська для наймолодших: Числівники (11-20)

Let's count from 11 to 20 with wooden number train / Давайте порахуємо від 11 до 20 з дерев'яним числовим потягом:

English for young learners: Numerals(1-10)/Англійська для наймолодших:Числівники(1-10).

Let's learn to count with NumberZoo/Давайте навчимося рахувати з Числозоопарком:
A game for revision/ гра на закріплення :
(повторение и проверка: цифры от 1 до 5)

вторник, 28 января 2014 г.

What time is it? / Котра година?

It's high time to learn asking and answering time in English. So let's go!/Вже час навчитися говорити котра година. Тож поїхали!
Here is the clock/Ось годинник :
What time is it? [вот тайм із іт] котра година? 
It's ten o'clock [іц тен оклок] Зараз 10 год.
In English we don't say 22 o'clock. We use p.m. or a.m. / В англійській мові ми не говоримо 22 год. Ми вживаємо p. m. та a.m.
AM (Ante Merediem) - до полудня ( 0.00 - 12.00)
PM (Post Merediem) - після полудня ( 13.00 - 24.00)
It's 10 p.m. - Зараз 22.00. It's 10 a.m. - Зараз 10.00.
It's easy with hours but what about the minutes? / З годинами легко, а як щодо хвилин?
We use words 'past' and 'to' /Ми використовуємо слова 'past' -після та 'to'- на.
If you say minutes from 5 to 30 use PAST, and from 35 to 55 use TO/ Якщо ви вказуєте хвилини від 5 до 30, вживайте PAST, а з 35 до 55, використовуйте TO.
10.05 - It's five minutes past 10 a. m.
30 minutes is HALF [хаф] / 30 хвилин - це половина.

10. 30 - It's half past 10 a.m. / Зараз пів 11.
15 та 45 хвилин - це чверть quarter [квотер]
10.15 - It's quarter past 10 a.m.
10.45 - It's quarter to 11 a. m. (Чверть на 11, тобто говоримо наступну годину, а не ту, що показує стрілка).
10. 40 - It's forty minutes past 10 a.m.=It's twenty to 11 a.m.(Обидва варіанти вірні).
Useful phrases / Корисні фрази.
In an hour [ін ен ауер] через годину.
In half an hour [ін хаф ен ауер] через півгодини.
In an hour and a half [ін ен ауер енд е хаф] через півтори години. 
Propositions of time / Прийменники часу

Just for fun ;)

English in pictures: prepositions of place and movement / Англійська в малюнках: прийменники місця та руху.

In front of
Ін франт ов
між(двома предметам)
Out of
Аут ов
Beside/next to
Бісайд / некст ту
And here  is the test for consolidating your knowledge of propositions / А це тест на закріплення ваших знань з прийменників(скористайтеся першою адресою цього сайту):

понедельник, 27 января 2014 г.

It's amazing: aerography / Это удивительно: аэрография.

Aerography is a surrealist method in which a stencil used in spraypainting is replaced by a three-dimensional object, sometimes in extreme cases male artists have used their genitals as stencils. The aerography technique is most recognizable as a blended and photorealistic style.Here are the cars decorated with the help of aerography:

суббота, 25 января 2014 г.

Happy Student's Day! / С Днем студента!

Happy Student's Day, my dear students! May all your dreams come true!
And just a little fun for you;) 

Robert Burns and Burns supper./ Роберт Бернс и торжественный обед.

Burns supper is a celebration of the life and poetry of the poet Robert Burns, author of many Scots poems. The suppers are normally held on or near the poet's birthday, 25 January, sometimes also known as Robert Burns Day or Burns Night (Scots:Burns Nicht).
All of the guests are seated and grace is said, usually using the Selkirk Grace, a well-known thanksgiving said before meals, using the Scots language. Although attributed to Burns, the Selkirk Grace was already known in the 17th century, as the "Galloway Grace" or the "Covenanters' Grace". It came to be called the Selkirk Grace because Burns was said to have delivered it at a dinner given by the Earl of Selkirk.

The Selkirk Grace

Some hae meat and canna eat,
And some wad eat that want it;
But we hae meat, and we can eat,
And sae let the Lord be thankit.

Заздравный тост

У которых есть, что есть, - те подчас не могут есть, А другие могут есть, да сидят без хлеба. А у нас тут есть, что есть, да при этом есть, чем есть, - Значит, нам благодарить остается небо! Перевод С.Я. Маршака

The supper starts with the soup course. Normally a Scottish soup such as Scotch Broth, Potato Soup or Cock-a-Leekie is served.

среда, 22 января 2014 г.

It's amazing: cars & figure skaters/ Это удивительно: машины и фигуристы.

Dance on the ice / Танец на льду.
Have you ever seen cars dancing like figure skaters? Club "eXtrimDrive" has proved that it's really possible./ Вы когда-нибудь видели как танцуют машины, будто фигуристы? Клуб  "eXtrimDrive" доказал, что это вполне возможно.
Enjoy watching this video:

вторник, 21 января 2014 г.

Happy Birthday "English is easy!"

My dear friends!Today is the birthday of my blog. It's one year old:)
I want to thanks all of you for reading my blog and supporting it with your pluses and comments. I created this blog to make it easy for my pupils to learn English. And due to this blog I've found a lot of wonderful friends. 
I hope that my blog has proved that English is really easy and it helps to build bridges connecting all countries in the world.
What topics would you like to discuss on my blog? All your propositions are welcomed!;)

четверг, 16 января 2014 г.

The Beatles Day

January 16th is The Beatles' Day.This team has got millions of fans around the world, and since 2001 UNESCO has established the International Day of the Beatles. Date, of course, was not chosen randomly. January 16, 1957 in Liverpool a jazz club The Cave was opened, This club was the place where The Beatles became famous. 
Let's remember this wonderful group and sing "Let it be":


Let It Be
Пусть будет всё как есть (перевод Вадим Ефимов)

When I find myself in times of trouble
Когда в ворохе проблем теряюсь,
Mother Mary comes to me
Божья Мать, глядя с небес,
Speaking words of wisdom
Мудро скажет мне: "Пусть будет
Let it be.
Всё как есть…"

And in my hour of darkness
В час, когда щемит в груди тревожно,
She is standing right in front of me
Она вновь осветит всё окрест,
Speaking words of wisdom
Мудро говоря: "Пусть будет
Let it be.
Всё как есть…"

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Всё как есть, всё как есть. Пусть всё будет так, как есть.
Whisper words of wisdom
Шепот мудрых слов - пусть будет
Let it be.
Всё как есть…

And when the broken-hearted people
И когда в отчаянии люди
Living in the world agree
Мир хотят в свой дом принесть, -
There will be an answer
Выход есть им - всё оставить
Let it be.
Так, как есть…

For though they may be parted
Даже если жизнь их разлучила,
There is still a chance that they will see
Остаётся шанс им рядом сесть.
There will be an answer
Всё сойдётся - лишь оставить
Let it be.
Всё как есть…

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Всё как есть, всё как есть. Всё оставить так, как есть.
There will be an answer
Выход есть им - всё оставить
Let it be.
Так, как есть…

And when the night is cloudy
Даже если ночью мрак кромешный,
There is still a light that shines on me
Луч зари подарит мне рассвет.
Shine until tomorrow
Завтра новый день наступит,-
Let it be.
Лишь оставить всё как есть…

I wake up to the sound of music
Я проснусь, мелодией окутан.
Mother Mary comes to me
Божья Мать мне дарит песнь
Speaking words of wisdom
Мудрых слов: "Пускай всё будет
Let it be.
Так как есть…"

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Всё как есть, всё как есть. Пусть всё будет так, как есть.
There will be an answer
Выход есть нам - всё оставить
Let it be.
Так, как есть…

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Всё как есть, всё как есть. Пусть всё будет так, как есть.
Whisper words of wisdom
Шепот мудрых слов - пусть будет
Let it be...
Всё как есть…

среда, 15 января 2014 г.

Grammar: Questions for more information / Граматика: Питання для здобуття інформації

If you want to ask for more information, use the following phrases/Якщо вам треба отримати більше інформації, скористайтеся слідуючими фразами:

Phrase / Фраза
Meaning / Значення
Do you know...?
Чи знаєш ти...?
Could you tell me...?
Чи не могли б ви мені сказати...?
I wonder...
Please, explain...
Будь — ласка, поясніть...
I don't know...
Я не знаю...
Have you any idea...?
Чи є яка — небудь ідея...?
The word order: Phrase - question-word - the subject - the predicate
Порядок слів: Фраза - спеціальне питальне слово - підмет - присудок
Use if or whether where there is no question - word / Використовуйте if або whether ( рівносильне українському "чи"), якщо немає питального слова.
Examples: Could you tell me where Shakespeare lived? - Чи не могли б ви мені сказати, де проживав Шекспір?
I wonder if he has done his homework? - Цікаво чи він виконав домашнє завдання?
Remember, we do not use do/does/did! - Пам'ятайте, ми не вживаємо do/does/did.  

English in pictures: using of 'the'/Английский в картинках: использование 'the'

English vocabulary: Food and drinks/ Английский словарь: Еда и напитки.

For correct pronunciation watch this video/Для правильного произношения посмотрите это видео:

Happy birthday, WikipediA! /С Днем рождения, Википедия!

Wikipedia is a  universal free encyclopedia  on the World Wide Web. The articles are created in many languages by ​​voluntary collective work of the authors. One of the main advantages of Wikipedia is the ability to provide information in any language, while maintaining its value in terms of cultural identity.
Wikipedia is considered to be the progenitor of Nupedia ( encyclopedia project in English, which implements the principles of freedom of information). The articles were written by Nupedia scientists and people from the academic environment.It  was founded by Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales .
To speed up the completion of the encyclopedia, in January 15, 2001, Wales and Sanger opened a site "Wikipedia".Now  any user of the Network can take part in editing the encyclopedia.
Wikipedia gets its name from its use for the implementation of the technology " wiki ." Translated from the Hawaiian language wiki means "quick" . In May 2001, Russian , German, Swedish , French, Italian , Spanish, Portuguese , Esperanto, Catalan, Hebrew, Japanese , and a little later - Arabic and Hungarian were launched. Now there are more than 260 Wikipedia language editions . Wikipedia volume is growing steadily. Encyclopedia is gaining popularity among web users, among the ten most visited Internet resources in the world.
Wikipedia is not a primary source.  And if the source is not specified  the fact may be removed.  The reader should understand and analyze all the facts. It makes sense to check this information from other sources. 
Attend this site and read more about Ukrainian WikipediA


суббота, 11 января 2014 г.

International Thank You Day / Международный день"Спасибо".

January 11 can be called without exaggeration one of the most " polite " dates in a year. It is the International Thank You Day. We all realize the importance of good manners , their necessity in everyday life, but most of the votes we express , as if by chance , without thinking about their meaning . However , thank you have magical properties - with their help people give pleasure to each other, express attention and convey positive emotions - something without which our lives would be scant and gloomy.
The phrase 'thank you'  we can meet in all languages:

Let's take a look at the English phrase :

thank you " спасибо"

This phrase is interesting because in English. you " вам" , the combination -ou - have obsolete pronunciation ( and apparently enshrined in English grammar ) the letter of [ ou ] .  Besides, the sound [в]  is allophone [ b ] . From this it can be assumed that:

bi - in spasibі Ukrainian and Russian -bo in thanks, is nothing else than "you " . See similar transition from * tebe * teve.

So, in a word thanks there were two words:
Such a cute version , exactly like the traditional version of God help us , we can only reject already because of other Slavic peoples , including in Russia adopted Christianity earlier , there is no form of gratitude.

The second step for solving - a German phrase :

danke schön " thank you"

1. beautiful , beautiful
2 . good! , great! ; beautiful!
In many languages​​ we can see the same thing - wishing  all the best.
So, in addition to all this I want to say THANKS to all of you, my dear friends and pupils for being with me and reading my blog:) 

понедельник, 6 января 2014 г.

Ukraine celebrates Christmas! / Україна святкує Різдво!

For the Ukrainian people Christmas is the most important family holiday of the whole year. We start celebrating it on January 6-th with Sviata Vecheria (Holy Supper). The first course is always kutia. It is the main dish of the whole supper. Then comes borshch (beet soup). This is followed by a variety of fish - baked, broiled, fried, cold in aspic, fish balls, marinated herring and so on. Then come varenyky (boiled dumplings filled with cabbage, potatoes, buckwheat grains, or prunes. There are also holubtsi (stuffed cabbage).
On January 7-th Ukrainian children go from house to house and sing koliadky (Christmas carols).
Dear friends! I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
And here is a Ukrainian carol for you:

четверг, 2 января 2014 г.

It's amazing: the best fireworks 2014

New Year has come!And  the whole world has met it with amazing fireworks. Let's watch this beauty together, my dear friends:
Sydney, Australia
London, UK
Rio, Brazil
Paris, France
Dubai Produced Word Record Breaking FireWorks in 2014

Happy Winter Holidays!!!;)

New year comes to give us a fresh hope, For a better future and success New Year gives us dream for that We will face challenges with confidence On this new year may your dreams and hopes Succeed with the blessings of god Happy New Year and Seasons greetings